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Call our helpline: 01483 454433

Charges and Referral

If funding is a barrier to accessing any of our services we have concessionary and complimentary spaces available in certain circumstances. E.g. those on limited income, full-time students, unemployed and fully retired people with no paid work. 

As a charity we rely on your generous donations to cover the cost of all our services.  Please consider making additional donations online via our donations link or on the day you visit via cash or card. 

Centre Days (Workshops)

These are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays and provide Brain Injury Education workshops incorporating a variety of cognitive activities: creative writing, art, Boccia, gardening, games. Your free initial assessment will identify the day most suitable for you.  You may try one session for Free before you commit.

  • Whole day:
    • 10am - 2.30pm
    • £83.00 private 
    • £65.17 adult social care
  • Half day:
    • 10am - 12noon or 1pm - 2.30pm
    • £68 private
    • £43.36 adult social care

One to one sessions

  • 1 hour on Zoom or at Guildford Centre
  • Individual or family group
  • £120 private
  • £110.65 adult social care 


Counselling 6-sessions

  • for persons with (ABI) Acquired Brain Injury or their family/carer.
  • £100 for six sessions.

Young Persons Group

  • £5 per session
  • Outings - additional costs

Walking and Talking Group

  • £5 per session

Family and Carers Survival Toolkit 6-week Course

  • for persons living with or looking after someone with an ABI.
  • £100 for six weeks. 

Online Coffee Morning

  • for persons living with or looking after someone with an ABI.
  • £5 per session discretionary donation



Assessments, Letters and Reports -

New client Assessments - new charge £25 to include complimentary Brain Injury ID Card application.

New Clients - support documentation including letters and reports to Adult Social Care, blue badge and form filling. New charge £25.

Other Reports - additional charges may be made for reports on a case by case basis.


Free Services

Understanding  Acquired Brain Injury 6-week Course

  • For persons with an ABI
  • £100 for 6 weeks. 
  • 1pm-2.30pm

As a charity we rely on your generous donations to cover the cost of all our services and we are experiencing sever financial pressures.  Please consider making additional donations online via our donations link or on the day you visit via cash or card. 

We are interested to talk to any organisation who might be interested in sponsoring a particular service.



You can self-refer for our services, or be referred by a medical/health/social services professional.  You can do this online or via  01483 454433.

People outside of Surrey can access this support, however Surrey residents will take precedence.  If you live outside Surrey, check Headway UK first to see if there is a Headway in your county or area offering similar services. 

The Headway Surrey Rehabilitation Coordinators have taken the nationally recognised Headway UK Certificate in Brain Injury, from Northampton University and the Rehabilitation Assistants have taken Brain Tree Training. Combined with this, they bring many years of working with special needs, disability, challenging behaviour, autism and psychology.

Our team will help you to set realistic goals to enable you to achieve your ambition to live well with your brain injury.

For Additional Financial & Welfare Support our Useful Links and Downloads Page may help.

Art Sessions

Art is included in the Centre Day Workshops.

Brain Injury Education Workshops

Education workshops aim to help the understanding of how brain injury affects a person’s thinking skills.

Brain Injury ID Card

The Card is designed to help the general public and Police to more easily identify brain injury survivors and ensure that they receive an appropriate response and support.

Centre Day (Workshops)

Education workshops aim to help the understanding of how brain injury affects a person’s thinking skills.

Coffee Morning Online

This is a FREE SERVICE and is available to anyone with an Acquired Brain Injury.

Counselling Services

A safe space to enable change without judgement where each person can explore and discuss their issues.

Family and Carers Survival Toolkit Course

Family, close friends and carers are important and need their own space and time to deal with the effects of being with and caring for someone with a brain injury.

Friday Friends Drop In

This is a FREE SERVICE and is available to anyone with an Acquired Brain Injury.

One to One Individual or Family Sessions

We offer one to one education sessions on zoom for individuals or family groups to educate and support on individual issues.

Lunch & learn and professional training

We can provide tailored training to your staff or group. This can be a presentation on a particular topic or a question-and-answer session.

Young Persons Group 18-35

We have a range of sessions suitable for young people aged between 18 and 35.

Walking Talking Group

Adults with a brain injury learn about the brain and changes to cognition, fatigue, emotion and communication.

Understanding Brain Injury Course

Adults with a brain injury learn about the brain and changes to cognition, fatigue, emotion and communication.

Link workers and hospitals

We can provide tailored training to your staff or group. This can be a presentation on a particular topic or a question-and-answer session.

How you can Help Us

Donate to Headway Surrey

We rely on voluntary donations to continue to provide vital services to brain injury survivors and their families. There are many ways to make a donation


Whatever your skills and experience - we can find you a role.


It is surprisingly easy to help raise funding for Headway Surrey.