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Call our helpline: 01483 454433

One to One Individual or Family Sessions

We offer One to One Support Sessions on Zoom for individuals or family groups.  Some people will find one to one more suitable than a group session, so that they can concentrate on a particular issue.  

One to one sessions for individuals are beneficial for survivors of brain injury and/or family members to learn more about their particular problems and consider options to improve living with their injury. 

Family Groups Sessions are beneficial for small groups comprising of spouse, partner, parents, children and family groups to understand what the brain injury survivor is going through and to learn how they can work together and support rehabilitation. 

Whatever is troubling you, we can help you understand, it isn't counselling (we have a separate service for counselling), it's a practical support session to help you move forwards with your wellbeing and independence, to explain different skills and strategies that might help, to work on particular problems that you cannot manage.   

Telephone: 01483 454433

Charges and Referral

Read about our charges and how to be referred to Headway Surrey.

Art Sessions

Art is included in the Centre Day Workshops.

Brain Injury Education Workshops

Education workshops aim to help the understanding of how brain injury affects a person’s thinking skills.

Brain Injury ID Card

The Card is designed to help the general public and Police to more easily identify brain injury survivors and ensure that they receive an appropriate response and support.

Centre Day (Workshops)

Education workshops aim to help the understanding of how brain injury affects a person’s thinking skills.

Coffee Morning Online

This is a FREE SERVICE and is available to anyone with an Acquired Brain Injury.

Counselling Services

A safe space to enable change without judgement where each person can explore and discuss their issues.

Family and Carers Survival Toolkit Course

Family, close friends and carers are important and need their own space and time to deal with the effects of being with and caring for someone with a brain injury.

Friday Friends Drop In

This is a FREE SERVICE and is available to anyone with an Acquired Brain Injury.

Lunch & learn and professional training

We can provide tailored training to your staff or group. This can be a presentation on a particular topic or a question-and-answer session.

Young Persons Group 18-35

We have a range of sessions suitable for young people aged between 18 and 35.

Walking Talking Group

Adults with a brain injury learn about the brain and changes to cognition, fatigue, emotion and communication.

Understanding Brain Injury Course

Adults with a brain injury learn about the brain and changes to cognition, fatigue, emotion and communication.

Link workers and hospitals

We can provide tailored training to your staff or group. This can be a presentation on a particular topic or a question-and-answer session.

How you can Help Us

Donate to Headway Surrey

We rely on voluntary donations to continue to provide vital services to brain injury survivors and their families. There are many ways to make a donation


Whatever your skills and experience - we can find you a role.


It is surprisingly easy to help raise funding for Headway Surrey.